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Importance of Digitizing

Analog Media is damaged over time!

All of your home videos may already have irreparable damage done to them. For example: with VHS tape's, over time, the magnetic particles lose charge causes discoloration, blacked out scenes, and eventually complete loss of footage. Getting them digitized as soon as possible to save from any further damage is very important!

What I can do for you

Get them Digitized

I know how important these memories can be and want to do what I can to help them stick around. My process is very straight forward and captures everything it can from the tapes and DVD's I am working with. I can digitize a wide variety of tapes and disks, and am willing to try new types if you have something more unique.

This is a list of the types I am currently digitizing

-  VHS and VHS-C

-  DVD-R and Mini

-  8mm and Mini 8mm (Mini DV)

- Super8 & 8mm reels

I can help you save what you have and Identify any tapes that may need repair, but I do not do repair myself. When one of the tapes that I am digitizing has major damage I stop the process and mark it down. If i was able to digitize the majority of the tape, I will still charge the price according to it's length. Otherwise, I will mark it and there will be no charge to you.

Payment and getting your digital files

Easily accessible video!

For all finalized tapes and DVD's I charge a $15 minimum and an additional $5 for every hour after the second.

- 0:00 to 2:15 = $15

- 2:15 to 3:15 = $20

- 3:15 to 4:15 = $25

- 4:15 to 5:15 = $30

and so on...

(Super8 & Reels are charged by time elapsed not video length)

Additionally I charge a small fee for the USB or external hard drive that the files are put on. This price varies based on the quantity of footage. 

I rarely burn these files to DVD, and only do so upon request. DVD is a format that will have to be digitized down the line the same as old VHS or 8mm. I strongly suggest getting the USB. With modern TVs you can plug them right in and watch with ease. Or get them on your smart phone to watch from anywhere!

Thanks for submitting!

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